A Love Letter to No One In Particular

I could be the rain that brings a desert some roses. The sands of time pass one moment through the hourglass. I believe in miracles that could never amount to anything more than an astonishing amount of transcendence. I believe in miracles yet unseen. One of these days I am going to meet a beautiful woman and we are going to fall in love. I transcend the miracles of life that surround me nightly. Every now and again I think about the time I saw a cicada fall from a tree and die. I surround myself with better people than I am. I have friends that do not have the time to talk to me. I make my own resources in a world that is destined for divinity. I see the ants in the ant farm milling about and I wonder where their queen is. It has been a long time since I have been in love. I still think about my first kiss. I spent too much time trying to decipher reality and then I fell in love with people that do not know who I am. I come from a queen city that knows so little about me. I am fine with being tortured mentally for ten years because it only made me stronger. I could try and recite some poetry but no one loves poetry like I do. I believe in reincarnation and maybe we will see each other again. One of these days I am finally going to lose the rest of the weight I gained on some pills that were supposed to make me better. Nothing means everything next to someone that is holding your hand. I believe in beauty in a way that makes me feel that everyone is. I have found enough silver linings around the clouds of my life that I could build a cube with ten foot sides. Sometimes I think to myself that writing is the only thing I was ever meant to do. I am less humble than I am proud. I am proud of who I am because I think that the universe was made with people like me in mind. One of these days I am going to enter the gates of heaven and then I am going to turn around and come right back here to purgatory and spend time with people deciding if they want to go to heaven or hell. I have been a dancer all of my life. One of these days I am finally going to meet someone that is going to want to go on a date. I could be the man that changes your life for the better or helps you get through that difficult spate in your life. Every now and then I try and perform at a show just so that people know that poets do poetic things. I believe in nature and that I am somehow connected to the pygmy goats that I see walking around my reality. Women love small gestures of kindness more than they like twelve page letters. I know this because I have tried. One of you women might like me and the rest might like someone else. I am fine with being single I get to spend time with myself that way. I see small people doing big things. I try and fathom eternity from a moment in time. Sometimes I walk for long distances just to see where I end up and I get lost trying to find myself. I write so much that there is no hope for me to ever make sense again unless I am sitting here with an alphabet trying to make sense of the world. I wish I could make the world make sense but that might not happen for a long time. The rain falls mostly on the plains of Spain because the Spaniards deserve the water they receive. From time to time I look at woman and wonder what they are looking for. I never really know if they see a man in me but I am new to being an adult man anyways. I believe that the world is changing faster than people can keep up with. I see smart phones being used by confused people. I see change occurring in so many places that I just have to wonder where this is all going. Do you ever think about how old some people are? Do you ever wonder where they were before they are where they are right now? One time I discovered the difference between this moment and this moment and I wondered what the distance between two moments was. Was it four inches or four light years? Could there be a mathematical equation developed that would help us locate ourselves when we lose ourselves in society? Every now and again I wish on a star and then I throw a penny on the sidewalk. Because I was trained in the world of ways of worlds that have never been I sometimes try and imagine if John Lennon was killed because he wrote the song Imagine. Did he imagine a world where he would die because of a gun shot. Did Yoko Ono miss him or did she just keep trying to become more famous than the beatles? How many slices of bread are in a typical loaf? Why did David Thoreau spend so much time observing a pond. Is it possible to reach a point in life where you just want to help people live their lives better until they know why you are doing what you are doing? Did you sleep well last night because I had a dream that you were sleeping in a dream waiting to wake up. Maybe the world stops spinning if you think about it enough. What would happen if everyone on earth either stared at the moon or the sun at the same time? Why is the moon the same size as the sun in the sky? Which came first the answer or the question? How often do we really take the time to meet someone new? Could cars be time machines since they save so much of it? Would our towns be more interesting if everyone did not drive downtown to work in a job they did not want to do? What happens when the writers start being honest? Do you ever think about the fact that without designers we would have no letters to type with? Do you ever think about if we had no writers we would have no sentences to talk with? Does it ever occur to you that college students work harder than retail store clerks? Do you ever think about the fact that the future is something we build and that it just does not just happen? The past is what is but the future is everything that is not but could be. How many times do you have to get your heart broken before you stop trying to mend it and put the pieces back together? When the world is changing do you ever notice? How often do the winds of change have to blow before you fall asleep and let it happen? If you could be anyone you wanted to be , would it be you? I could be a minister or I could be a gangster or I could be a priest or I could be a secretary or I could be myself. The most astonishing moment in a man’s life is when he realizes he is conscious. The second most astonishing moment is when he realizes that his eyeballs are attached to his brain. The third most astonishing moment in a man’s life is when he realizes his art will live on longer than he will. I could be the man that changes your life and you could be the woman that changes mine. This is a love letter to no one in particular. I believe in head strong people and supple hearts. One of these days I am finally going to mail that letter to that person that could use cheering up. If you build it they will come only if you really want them to. I was writing to find a passage that would make sense to you. I was guessing that the world was actually the most beautiful color blue. She was never really trying to get my attention and lately I was not actually trying to get hers. There are a couple of ways we could do this but a love letter to no one in particular might be the most romantic. I was trying to become romantic again for no reason at all. I guess the world was trying to entertain a moment in time while I was trying to unwind my lessons on life. She was just hoping the world was going to behave but really that was not how it works. Sometimes the reasons we do things are more profound than the things we do, well most of the time actually. How often do the parties we throw turn out better than expected. I guess the world is trying to imagine a better day while I am just trying to imagine a new way to do the same thing all over again. For the first time I am trying to imagine a way to write this story the way I need to write this story. They said writing needed a problem to be the kind of writing people would want but I think this style of writing would do just fine. I wish I knew a formula that would be the writing style I could write forever but this will do for now. Do you ever just want to read writing so that you do not have to follow a plot, this will help you with that. Sometimes when you are trying to fathom the terror of your past you forget that it was just a memory and in that memory you can smoke some weed and forget it more easily than you thought you could the first time but honestly why would you want to forget it even though you want to and you are trying to and then you succeed but then it comes back and then you hit this weed and it all explodes into a pear that you are eating and trying to remember the reasons why you ever cared about anything because hey you have this apartment and a dog and a friend and a computer and are just working to build on something from this and honestly when it comes to writing its not what you write that counts it’s the fact that you do. So the moonshine was changing all through the atmosphere and one day the earth is going to write a love letter to the moon and the sun is going to get jealous and explode but the moon will write a love letter for the sun as the sun writes a love letter for earth as earth writes a love letter to the moon and then some kids will write love letters to the stars and the stars will write love letters to the black holes and the big bang will write a love letter to the end of time and somehow these love letters will change the way we view writing love letters because lately I have been wanting to write a love letter to no one in particular just because these days writing love letters makes more sense when twitter could be filled with the love that would love us loving love so here goes to love the love that we love to love as we love love for the sake of love as love is what love is supposed to be while we love love until love finally starts to love love again. I could be the challenger explosion recast as a dangerous liason with esoteric meaning that you forgot to have and I am duct taping my life together because I do not want a new life so in this life I am writing for all of the reasons that I could be writing and as I am writing I am changing the ways that I write so that I can write some more in this world that is more beautiful than a couple of starlets flying through the sky above the ocean near a beach in new jersey. I have seen the red tailed hawk and I have taken photographs of the gecko and I have seen the goats and I have taken my time to read the words of the people that wrote before me. I write with an intent to write for the reasons you could not remember but here I am writing for the reasons you could write with as I write for no reason to write for writing is the writing of the seasons of change and I might take the time to let you read this as I take it to kinkos one page at a time to read the reasons that you could change the seasons of time and my writing is special as it is supposed to be and one day I will write this and see what happens as kinkos may publish this or some other publishing arm and who knows how all of this is supposed to work out as I might take this into a language of writing you never knew existed and latex this writing with latex just to set it in points of light that could change the worlds that change the times of exchanges for no reason other than to change the words of worlds that could never be more to me than I could be for you as we are what we want to be as we are all that we are supposed to be in a world that is asking us to be more than we are in a moment than we are capable of being so we keep on becoming that which we are supposed to be to the people that are not what we think we want to be for children that want to be like us as we just want them to live in a world less confusing than we did because our lives were more confusing than difficult and maybe confusing is worse than difficult but who knows because none of this makes any sense but these kids seem to know what to do so hey, maybe we could do something nice for some kids and show them that yeah this world is going to make a lot more sense to you than it did for us and maybe you will find our flaws that we never knew we had and you won’t make our mistakes and maybe your kids will find your flaws and one day someone is going to think this thing is flawless but until they do just keep wearing diamonds to keep the world worth a wedding ceremony that we are always awaiting to have happen. I was interested in nirvana not that kind of nirvana yeah that kind of nirvana the kind that comes with flowers floating down from the sky as I could be the one that takes the reins let me see this again as I was changing like the emotions that I was supposed to be leaving behind because maybe something was supposed to happen to me but it really did not and if you don’t ask I wont tell and we can write the spells that the world works with for the times that the world is changing and I could be the messenger that lets you know its all good as I just gave a show to some young adults and maybe they don’t know who I am but that does not mean I don’t and for the rest of time I could be opening up letters from friends that wanted to write the way I write because who doesn’t want to write the way I write and really its something of a message in the sky to be talking like this but I could earn a living writing like this as I wrote a love letter to no one in particular and I just have to figure out how to publish this love letter to no one in particular because maybe the world is changing faster than I can keep up with and just how it is is just how it is and sometimes the people break easier than the wind does and maybe we never break we just become something that we were never meant to be as angels try and decipher the mind of a demon that is trying to change its ways because I am too old to be chasing anyone and you are too weak to be chasing me and I could just be writing the words that change the lives of the people that want to know how it all happened but they gave me too much time to forget the messages that could be found in the letters that I could write for you and in these letters there was me standing there not talking about anything in particular and quite honestly I am just writing a love letter to no one in particular and really the world is trying to remember me the way the world would like to remember me and if that means I have to sit down and let you know about this then maybe the world is trying to hard to look at me funny because you know I look at you funny and we look at each other funny and its hard to be unemployed when you have to find the time to be someone you are not and maybe if the people that write books were not trying to be someone they are not they could write like me because I live in a world surrounded by a white board that most people find as a limit but I find that situation limitless because then I grab my grease marker and get to adorning that white board with the grease markings that could be the kind of thing that leave behind the things we would have done if we were not in some research laboratory trying to find a reason to use this computer that CERN just droped on us and you know what I love to do with cern … I love to con cern until we concern ourselves with something more useful to do than pretend we ever needed this lovely unique CPU enabled piece of technology that they gave us for no reason at all and we just looked at them as they dared us to destroy ourselves on ourselves but then the poets came out and let everyone know they had nothing to worry about and in that lack of worrying about anything they had nothing to do other than stare at the world because even CERN is jealous of US and US do US like things like write the kinds of writings that make the world glow with astonishment as we keep coming closer to a public understanding of what it takes to be someone in this strange country that could use a make over by some poets that are training to refrain from destroying all the we hold dear so I am writing a love letter letter to no one in particular because wouldn’t you rather read this than a story about a man that had an enigma to solve and then he did and no one connected with the enigma was happy because honestly no one wants to see someone succeed when they are placing bets on not if he fails but how badly and this this writing shows up and we change the way we change the changes in the way we change and I could be trying to establish a connection with the last star fighter because I saw that arcade game there on that dusty movie set and I wanted to play it and why does he get to be the last star fighter and couldn’t I try and get a higher score than the last star fighter to play because I got scared when the sword went into the air and yeah I am the kind of writer that wants to say something and maybe you are the woman that wants to hear it and I could be the kind of man that changes your life and you could be the kind of woman that changes mine and through this egotistical exchange of letters I just want to let you know that love is in the air and as an adult we are supposed to let the children love while we make agreements about property and children but maybe I am younger than I look and maybe you are younger than you look and until I actually look old I am not actually just that and as I am writing to the back ends of the woods I am trying to establish a moment that could change my life for the rest of it as I prepare to let the moments of eternity find their ways through my veins as our red blood cells are worth forty trillion dollars each so keep count when they take your blood because our blood is expensive and your blood is expensive and my blood is expensive and each red blood cell is worth forty trillion dollars and maybe its worth pointing out that our over seeers that run for election are not worth the change they try and make because they are usually over seeing systems that never take into account things like twitter or facebook or google and the further into this document you go the further into my mainframe you are going to remember this and we are going to remember each other because through time writers make the moments that we all try and remember and one of these days I am going to try and enlighten a small butter fly and remind it that it used to be a caterpillar and it wont believe me but hey that’s fine with me. The other day I was breaking some rules when it came to writing trying to let the world realize that there are no rules when it comes to writing as the blank page is for you to be yourself as bravely as you can possibly be and this is going to find its way to the internet and maybe in that moment someone will remember me and through the escapades of enlightenment I am going to reestablish a connection with the people that want to be people like themselves who are trying to find a piece of meaning in this world that is worth a little more than a white castle hamburger and maybe a love letter to no one in particular will get the attention of some people that want to meet that man that writes like this for no reason at all. The ever present changes that make the world a place where we can meet and piece together the pieces of existence that we all have access to for no reason at all change the way I look at reality in a way you cannot understand unless you know about the same things that I do and yeah angels fall all the time for the men and women of this planet and really its cool to be the kind of person that changes the eternal struggles of a man into the writing that would rearrange the meanings of the words that we play with and maybe the people that make the world work are just trying to better themselves for no reason at all.