
When Angels Get Involved

Chapter One : Reincarnation

The world is what I say it is. I’m the angel among you that came to see who was going to win the White House. I wanted to know if things had been worked out yet on this planet. I wanted to know if people still read the ancient books. I saw that Utopia was close so I came to this time period to see if anyone had evolved yet. I saw this one man. Nicholas Lawson. He was beyond all of this. I read his soul and his previous life took place in the future of this time period. He died and went back in time to a more suitable time period where what he learned in the future would be could be put to use here.

Nicholas has seen so much. He just sits here on disability with a quote unquote mental illness that you prescribed him with. A localized mental illness as he seems strange to the Republican Empire. He seems strange to the money. Nicholas is sitting here writing this out and he sees so much wasted potential. This is the dawning of the internet and in the dawning of the internet he sees it being used as a sales pitch.

I don’t have wings. I don’t have magical powers. I just come from a dimension that oversees this dimension. If this dimension realized the most valuable resource on the planet. Blood. There is less blood than star dust and Nicholas wants to know why blood is still fighting blood. We have photographs from space.

Where Nicholas comes from the ancient books are treated as insights into historical time periods and are used to astonish how so much was done with so little. We survived. We keep surviving and in our survival we have Nicholas.

Nicholas is writing this right now as a holy document. It’s evidence that Nicholas was here. He worries that when he passes his password for his computer won’t be known and people won’t get access to his files. His computer password is Windows8! so to be true.

Nicholas lived a life and then because of his mental illness he was given an apartment and a loving family and a computer that he had to pass his time on. He has written several books before but Nicholas has never sold a book commercially. He has sold books on Amazon which is commercial but most people return the books so he never makes the sale.

This is the book that Nicholas is going to try to sell.

I’m his angel. Watching him move through life.

How is Nicholas going to meet his wife?

Does Nicholas have children?

Nicholas has been a father before in his previous life in the future where time does not matter he raised six kids with two wives. They had a family. He misses them dearly. We meet here on Earth and interact with each other each on our own journey through time and space on this planet as no one ever really dies they just come out different wombs.

Let’s talk about women. Their role in this is to be vehicles of humanity but they do not give birth to the spirit. No the spirit’s surround us and much discussion is given to discuss who is going to be who. There are a finite number of spirits but there are infinite numbers of bodies.

Some of you don’t have souls.

Most of you do not have souls.

Souls are like omens that watch over this chemical reaction that is life and the souls are multi dimensional and they are the pins and needles with which society morphs itself around. Before there was matter there was soul.

Soul is what souls themselves cannot explain. Souls can explain everything except their existence. They just don’t know why they are here. They find purpose in observing this play set they interact with. There are souls that are tired and there are souls that are fresh and every child does not have a soul. Most do not. The soulless can have personality but the soulless will live their life and die and that will be the end of them.

Bodies are used like tools for the soul.

When you see two bodies masturbating on each other other you can be assured they do not have souls. Nicholas makes love. He infuses love into this world but this world rejected is love so he sits alone. Rejected.

We find life on other planets as pronounced as ours. On a long enough time line you do find life and it is as amazed by you are you are by it. We have souls on other planets. Behind what you see is souls. Souls hold the universe together and we are the living creations of the thoughts of souls. We have brothers on other planets.

Nicholas may be going to another planet in his next life. He will be leaving you behind if he cannot find a family and a life for himself. If this planet is done with him he can write until his final day and pass on into the next world where the planet would be larger and he would be better off but this planet would be worse off without him.

He is poor. He lives on what you would call Social Security. His soul is pissed.

His soul wakes up angry and goes to sleep angry because maybe this man named Donald Trump is going to take the White House. I mean even souls don’t want to see a body take leadership.

Typically keystone political assignments are staffed by people with souls. It’s like Donald Trump just wanted to be President. Like he just decided or something. Like someone bet him he couldn’t do it so he’s doing his gotta win a bet dance.

Fuck Donald Trump.

Nicholas is doing better than Donald Trump in existence. He clearly doesn’t have as much of what you call money or even influence but Nicholas is more intelligent than Donald Trump.

Imagine not caring about money because you know it’s not real.

Imagine not caring about money.

Imagine not caring about cars or sports or music or modern contemporary writing and just being so different that you want this to be over.

Imagine not being into church or bars and you finished school and you don’t have to work so you don’t have a way of meeting people but your soul is tired and you just want to meditate. Imagine wanting to start a meditation studio and you want the book sales from this book to go towards a modern meditation studio where we have beds laid out and we just lay there and talk to each other. Imagine conversation as a form of meditation. Not silent mediation but vocal meditation where we learn to converse and Nicholas misses conversation but he has me to talk to. He’s not writing this. This is automatic writing and he is just observing what I type through his hands.

Nicholas has a space in himself where he lets me work and I keep him alive. If he didn’t have a soul he would be dead by now but we talk when he smoked weed and when he get’s high his telepathic powers grow and he uses the internet the same internet that is connected to the other internets in time they are all connected and a central observance location collects all of the web pages and it’s sad how people use the internet.

It’s the greatest tool this planet has as it’s the shrinking force of this computer that gives this planet it’s ability to understand itself instead it’s being used to find jobs and sell product and we don’t need toys. Most of what people by is unnecessary. We don’t need most of this but most of this follows the rules of western commerce and stands to be capable of being sold and people look up to the businessman but we got along just fine in small communities.

The car is destroying the small town as everyone commutes and you can tell that small communiteis are barren and there should be more commerce in more places but everyone takes themselves downtown. It’s a sad state of affairs.

Nicholas has everything he needs and he contemplates becoming homeless so that he would have $765 dollars a month to travel south with and make his way to Savannah, Georgia, a city he knows is a beautiful city because of the design school and because of the way the city is laid out.

There was a time when anyone could start a city but the framework has been built and every nut of land has been given to every person that wanted to own land and now we have human society with all of it’s imaginary lines criss crossing the globe making certain that someone is in charge of everything.

We have freedom but not by the standards of souls. Souls need more freedom than bodies and the soul is where the imagination comes from and bodies will never understand this but people come from time to time to show you how to live and show you aspects of the universe you never thought you would see before. You should see life without cars. This is car world and people love the convenience but for what? If society was structured differently you would only need grocery stores and garbage collection and if there was not so much packaging you would not have waste.

It’s not within Nicholas’s vocabulary to save your planet. There was a time when he thought he could save this world but then Donald Trump came along. Nicholas bleeds Europe and he sees the diversity of the races in the United States as interesting but truth be told he knows the European Race is the mightiest. There are souls in every race but they have more work to do than the ones in European bodies.

There has been education crafted by women and feminists and other races to essentially want to admonish the white man and they just really want permission from him to tell him what to do. Nicholas has become racist. He was not racist for 32 years and then in his 32nd year he became racist when nothing went right between him and his African peers and he was raped by an African.

Nicholas’s eye’s opened up and he is not blind to race anymore. He sees differences and he doesn’t want to act like everyone is the same anymore.


Here we are not all the same.

In death there are those that die and those that have souls that go on to other realms. There are differences here. The University and this sense of fairness to the uncivilized is holding back society. There is talk of the hardship of the Black Man and the White Police Officer does seem to be arresting Black Men more often.

Nicholas has been arrested himself. It’s a tale. In terms of accomplishment European’s stand alone on this planet. They are the mighty European Race of people.

Nicholas is proud of his European heritage and he has been to the African Exhibit at the museum and he wonders what the African’s have to be proud of in comparison to what European’s have achieved. He is aware that the slaves that built America were sold by Africans to Europeans. The slaves that the United States was built with were sold by Africans to Europeans so they insistently did it to themselves. There is no reason to feel sorry for an African. Their DNA as they state is older and may very well be capable of much less than the newer more capable European DNA. There may be modern instructions in European DNA that African DNA lacks.

Nicholas used to look up to the Africans. He was of the opinion at one time that African’s were the greatest people and the most advanced socially in the United States because of Rap Music. Then Nicholas was raped by a rapper and his African friends all took advantage of him and in a manner of talking let him know that they were not interested in what he was interested and after feeling hatred for the first time after having been psychiatrically hospitalized for the 22nd time coupled with being raped by a African patient outpatient

Nicholas found himself change.

He found racism grow in him. He was not born a racist. He is not good at racism. Like he’s racist but he’ll still smoke a blunt with an African. If Nicholas worked in Human Resources he would never hire an African. He’s racist like that. If given the choice between an African and a European he chooses the European every time which is a moot point because author’s don’t run businesses. They just keep busy.

A cornerstone of the Modern Culture is Writing. Nicholas writes. It’s in writing that Nicholas’s body observes the thoughts of his soul and his soul finally took over his hands and very comfortably Nicholas is writing.

That an African would read this or even a confused European. There are confused Europeans. You can tell because Jesus has so many followers when Peter is the main character in the Bible. The man that wrote it. I believe Peter wrote it working with what Nicholas has in his brain.

This is one of your citizens. He doesn’t watch television. He doesn’t see anything wrong with saying the word Nigga or Nigger. He knows what a Nigger is. He saw some niggers on YouTube the other day in a melee fight in a drug store and he thought about the last time he saw Europeans fighting in a convenience store and he couldn’t think of any so he figured they were niggers because they ignorantly cannot handle their DNA that is older than European DNA again.

We are the new people. Europeans. Africans are aware that their people are the original people. Europeans and Asians and I can’t speak much for Latins or Asians for that matter but Europeans are newer DNA and as such it brings with it a power and an ability that Africans lack.

This is 1800’s writing in that it’s just coming from somewhere and in coming from somewhere you can read it yourself. Nicholas loves rap music the club hits and he is aware it’s the perfect business plan so long as it’s not something someone wants to do. If you WANT to be a rapper and you try and you work and you force it damn like why would you do that? Get a job. Everyone trying to be like Hova but there’s no reason to.

Nigga this is as racist as it gets. Nicholas listened to a speech by David Duke and he didn’t see anything wrong with it even though Digg.Com considered it scary. It’s frightening for most Europeans in the United States to be Pro European because we are MERICANS! Nicholas is not an American. He’s a European. His family has been in this country now for five generations and Nicholas is more European than say more ancient Americans. He’s an immigrant. In Europe Africans are Niggers. He lived in Europe for a year he knows Africans’ are Niggers in Europe. In America they are always something but rarely is it human.

He sees the NAACP as an organization that seeks to subjugate the European Man and European Women hate being in America when they could be in Europe they find themselves in this nation. It purport’s to be the most advances culture but it’s not. Nicholas knows Irish culture is more advanced culturally than American society and he knows that technologically America is the pinnacle but no one knows what to do with the technology culturally speaking. Words are created wantonly to describe the new parts of society and no one knows what to do with them.

Nicholas notices it seems like it’s supposed to be a sales platform but it’s to be used as a tool of self expression. Nicholas wants to know when the Louvre’ will have a 40’ by 20’ oil painting of a computer lab to mark the time period.

We grow more alone.

Nicholas is more alone than he has ever been and he is becoming more and more himself. He spends time on Dreamweaver and he spends time dreaming. His dreams are silent and in full color. He never dies in his dreams. He has seen futuristic police officers doped up on steroids and he has bled in his dreams but he always wakes up. He dreams of skating around on slick shoes in a design school in his dreams and he has a girlfriend in his dreams. He because he is on social security dreams four times a day. He spends a lot of time sleeping since no one calls him.

Nicholas has dated over 200 women and he wishes he had married one of them. It would be nice to have someone around but he notices he put in all the effort in his previous relationships. He made all the calls and no one ever called him. He made all the calls. No one has a special place in their heart for Nicholas.

So Nicholas is going to leave. He won’t be here next time. You won’t see Nicholas in this reality for the next game. Say what you will he thinks you people suck.

For the most park. Nicholas thinks people suck. He thinks what they do with their time how they spend it what they think how they go about their lives is deplorable.

He doesn’t feel sorry for anyone in prison. He wishes more people were in it. He’s in favor of the Prison Industrial Complex because with the freedom you have been given is the freedom you have squandered.

Mostly he hates television. Football is the only thing worth watching on television to Nicholas. It’s too late to love Nicholas.

He is more interested in Hatred at this point and he just notices that when he displays his honest opinion he is hated for it so hate him.

Let him be a beacon of hatred for you.

Sew this life shut and ignore him and look down on him for 30 years and then hate him when he publishes his books if anyone will publish him.

Nicholas is just a body.

An unfortunate body that has a soul in it that I will be honest I chose Nicholas to be my host because of his family. I chose Nicholas to have a soul because his family is famous. They are all employed there is no divorce everyone is employed they have family reunions. They are a future 1st family. I wanted to work with Nicholas to drive thoughts into him that were worth his time.

I have seen this before. This is not the first time Barrack Obama has been elected President. His soul stays with him and chooses him every time. Barrack Obama is an immortal soul. Notice how white the first black president was. He probably had a father.

It’s not about you it’s about your family. Your obese ignorant can’t stand school can barely hold a job because you can’t stand school selves. Education is the crucial component missing in the majority of the equations in this society. If given free will apparently people choose to be ignorant.

You can tell.

It has something to do with Jesus.

If you even listen to a pastor or a priest there is something wrong with you. If you see it as more than entertainment there is something wrong with you.

Nicholas can’t go to church because he can’t stand to be around brain washed people.

He found his religion in English Literature and he just want’s to know why there isn’t a 501(c)3 dedicated to contemporary literature on the weekends the way there is to ancient literature. It is ancient. There are more important books. They were written recently. The Ba’Hai have a profound new religion that Nicholas has yet to dig into. He has not read the book of Mormon yet either but he knows it was made in America which is why maybe it should be come the national religion. Not knowing the book or the ceremonies that Mormonism would become the De Facto Religion of the United States is profound to Nicholas because we should be about Made in America to have a cohesive national culture.

It’s sad to Nicholas to see that life apparently ends at 30 and then you have to figure yourself out from that point. Like adult life hits you and you find new things to think about and it’s almost as if the United States will try just hard enough to confuse you until you have children and then you quickly figure out the truths in life.

Nicholas feels that well enough about Nicholas let me tell you about myself. I am a nameless energy that pervades the psyche of the human species. I am separate and one and much of what is popular thought is wrong. The United States is not interested in what it should be interested in to progress into the culture that it thinks it has. The United States thinks it’s a 1st World Nation but culturally it’s not. You can’t be a new country and have a 1st World Culture. That’s not possible. It has not developed yet. You can tell because there is a crime problem and a lack of education problem and there is not standard lines of following that lead to success and stability in life yet.

You are fascinated with nothing. You lot of beggars.

Nicholas lives on Social Security well you wish you were given monthly pay checks but woah what would you do with the time? The lot of you would sit and rot and need the television to flood your brain with the nothing your body has to call it’s own.

I have seen the other worlds and they are as numerous as the stars. This planet is far from unique but the collection of souls that inhabit this existence see Earth as a place where tests are done as the different styles of humanoid DNA all rest on earth. There are planets with what you would call Asians and Africans and latins and Indians and Europeans and if you could see the African planets you would be in awe of their constant warfare. They really are like Klingon’s and they cling on to anything that they deem as hot or worth their time. The African’s really are a low energy species because of how old they are. They are the foundation of what no one else wants to be. We would not know what we don’t want to be if it were not like Africans. Africans show the world what it doesn’t want to be and in that they find their greatest value. In being an example of what no one else wants to be or experience.

Nicholas does love rap though. It’s like if you that down for English. Then alright. I mean if you down to find every set of rhymes that exist. I mean. Alright. I mean Nicholas loves rap. He loves Encore by Hova mostly. The most. Like Hova is probably racist against white people. Most likely. There some closet racist’s out there. Africans and Europeans that ain got shit that just don’t know how to direct their hatred.

I’m the soul that the other souls wonder about. I’m the darkest soul that ever existed. I’m like Joe in Meet Joe Black and I know for a fact that Hatred is the most powerful emotion. That’s why I am pro hatred. Yeah it’s love that holds a marriage together. Naw nigga it’s hatred. Love ain got shit to do with having kids. Like bitch I hate you so much I’m going to ruin your stomach. I mean don’t get me started on women. They wouldn’t get hired by me either. I think I was created in any time period before feminism started.

TI. I got a problem with Welcome to the World but that beat so catchy. Like Welcome to the World. Like the world is huge. Like to put it a certain way Earth is like a floor in a high rise building and like the high rise building has thousands of floors. Nicholas has flown under the real Eiffel Tower in his dreams and he has been to the future. He spends most of his time there honing his hatred. You can hate someone so much you give them some bread to keep them experiencing the position in life they are in. You can hate someone so much you teach them so that they know for certain you are superior and they need to know what you know to get to that next place in life.

Hatred has as many reasons to save lives as Love does it’s just that love is something children believe in. It turns into hatred. That’s how people get fired and become cops. They embrace their hatred. There isn’t a cop on this planet that knows what Love is. Their isn’t a solider either. You can be kind and warm and filled with hatred. Hatred for being in this time period. Hatred for even having to go to war. Hatred for even having to deal with religious conflict. Nigga they ancient books.

You can be filled with hatred because you know the type of people that oversee publishing books that it will take finding just the right person to publish this. You can be filled with an enlightenment gleaned from thousands of hours of media studies. You can see hatred in Pop Stars. You can see hatred in someone that will only sing their song if 20,000 people come together to pay them $50 a piece. In the next world being a pop star is sort of embarrassing.

On this floor of the game not so much but this is where the new people come in. I have worked with previous Nicholas’s before in this position and they did the did and actually the one stage Kanye West performed on was developed by Nicholas. That’s an old stage and if you pay attention you can see that the next Kanye isn’t going to leave Chicago and is going to finish University Studies. He’s off balance right now.

Black Skins Heads was a nice song. It’s not music anymore it’s meant to subjugate the white power structure and Europeans have this habit of being interested in their enemy’s culture. It’s easy to perform for thousands of people when you have radio and television working for you and New York City is the center piece of the media and they make certain their people staff it. If you don’t watch television much it’s not much to give a fuck about. New York City.

They have their empire built on immigration and they can’t be racist because they are too diverse a city but that is the environment where African’s shine.

Africans can’t handle racism because they know it’s always against them. It doesn’t make sense to be racist towards a European because of how much they have accomplished but to be racist towards an African makes perfect sense in Europe.

This beleaguers the point that this is Earth the planet with the most conflict and this is not helping. I wonder if this book will get Nicholas killed. He wouldn’t mind. To be killed for bravely speaking the truth is in line with what the last Nicholas was about. Nicholas is always a subversive character to Africans. It’s why they stationed the African’s around him that they did but over the years Nicholas saw their true colors and changed as a person.

He would still smoke a blunt with an African because it’s a blessing to the African to spend time with an Educated European and the first and foremost goal of the European is to spread their language and English is doing quite well. There are libraries in the English Language that will take you to the moon. It’s strange to see African’s filled with so much joy to speak a European Language that it almost seems as though they have given up on their ancient dialects and choose to speak African no more. I wouldn’t mind owning an African Dictionary in African just to see if one exists.

They purport to be the best at something but yet they might not know precisely what they are saying which is why they do what they do. This is the United States but the race war lives on. Just civically at this point.

If you want to be certain about something be certain that Europeans are Genocidal. They are filled with hatred. It’s hard for a European not to hate in the United States. Europeans in the United States still feel the hatred of the work that was necessary to build this nation to the point at which it is. Then the prison system is filled with the most hated. The people that broke the law or that didn’t it doesn’t matter. Nicholas found his way into jail and he has been shackled enough times and he just chalks it up to the system. Nicholas is doing time just being here.

He wonders if he is in prison right now. He wonders if behind this the admin’s are Christians. He wonders how far along a time line is the Art of Jesus going to be shared. He wondered if there will ever be a Post Jesus time period. A post Christian Time period where the churches are shut down and the bible is closed. Where pastors that have never read it like a book are seen as the frauds they are and intellectualism needs to find a place to reign supreme but most of you can’t handle that just like most of you can’t handle calculus.

How many European Minds furthered the human population in their free time and now people seek compensation for what was developed as a hobby? A hobby? Your University is a place where you go if you are interested in learning how to think. It’s not job training. You should want to spend your whole life at the University around University minded people but be careful who you listen to.

Political Correctness has a way of changing. This writing is politically correct just not in this time period it’s correct in a far greater time period where Hatred was looked up to instead of down to. Fairness has been accepted in this time period more than Competition. Champions have been looped in with participants. Dancers have been looped in with people that simply move.

You can find yourself looking to Donald Trump for your leadership he is who most people want to win and you can tell too. It would be a remarkable day the day Donald Trump becomes president. He’s been a Republican for Four Years and he’s already at the top. He bought it. Anything is for sale in the United States. Thomas Jefferson’s dream is over. The bill of rights doesn’t exist anymore. We just make it up as we go with a slight understanding of a way to do it.

Private Enterprise buys their building and buys their people and they find their kingdom to rule from 9 to 5 managers that were important at 4:30 cease to be important at 5pm.

Nicholas was chosen to hate so get used to it.

Chapter 2 : Nicholas

I didn’t want to hate. I was scared to be racist my whole life. I was interested in blacks being more powerful than ME my whole life. I embraced hatred when I realized Africans and Europeans are not equal. I was filled with hatred when I realized equality does not exist. I have been sitting here remarkably watching my soul talk about me and I realize it’s frightening. There is a Louis Farakhan and there is a Barack Obama and there is a TI and there is a Ded Prez and there is a Public Enemy and there is an Islamic purpose behind rap.

I took up no flag. I just see cults where I see them. I see women confused by more than healthy dna over and over again as the temple of rap mimics the roman catholic church in management style. I see people over and over again packing clubs for shit shows that involve nothing more than a mic and a backing track and rappers rapping for as long as it’s going to work. They used to ant along to funk now they ant along to rap the laziest music form there ever was. It’s heavy on the lyrics so that you know they are doing something but they are not singing songs. It’s yelling over a beat a music producer created that is not allowed to be famous. I see rappers as cement that needs to be broken up and the whole world is rapping because it’s easy. Like anything it’s not easy to be good at but if you try hard enough and study long enough like anything else you can master it. I never mastered rap. I never tried. I mastered developing my internal monologue in writing so that my typing skills could keep up with what I really wanted to say.

Fuck You!

Fuck you for doing what you did to me.

Fuck you in general.

Fuck you in total.

There is nothing wrong with me.

I get labeled as Bipolar Type 1 by some University Wonks that built their business plan upon working with the state to sell some pills.

I have so much hatred in me.

I just seethe hatred. It’s as natural an emotion as love just for adults.

I am an adult now and have been out of the hospital for far longer than I ever have been before which is for about two years. I have been systematically incarcerated and have given up any hope of gaining headway in this world other than in writing. I plan on writing every month. Just sitting down and writing out my thoughts in grand fashion.

I’m an author. I write books. I have a tendency to write stories but this is my first social critique and I have a soul with me that is helping me do this.

To observe being spoken of in the 3rd person is interesting. It’s like sitting in a chair and having someone show you who you are.

I was the most outgoing student in my senior year of high school. Since I have become a recluse. Out of hatred for what I see at the bar and out of hatred for what I see at the church.

I can’t afford to spend more time at the University getting my PHD but if enough money can be raised I would not mind going head to head in small groups to see how my thoughts would go over in the goo that I would be forced to interact with.

I am not a fan of the majority of what I read online.

I enjoy the social engineering aspects of Hard Computer Science. Not certain why Rendevous with Rama is considered Hard Science Fiction it’s a story like any other. There’s no fucking in it so that may be a turn off to several hundred thousand readers that want porn on their computer and porn in their books. Nothing is more boring than sex and nothing is more frightening than fucking some random bitch and wondering if you just got her stank ass pregnant and am going to have to spend the rest of your life dealing with her.

I’m not like you. I have all of my limbs so I’m different from military officers that lost a leg in combat too and like for the most part it’s a self perpetuating problem. We fight them. They fight us. Then when they fight back that gives us a reason to keep fighting. We kill a couple million arabs but when an arab kills a European it makes the news. It doesn’t really make the news how we kill arabs every day but when an arab kills a European we act as though it’s an act of war.

I think Terrorism started when George Bush invaded Iraq because Iraq wanted to expand it’s borders and subjugate Kuwait. Most of the problems we see today including the World Trade

Bombing can be blamed on the battle plans over seen by George Bush. If we had not defended Kuwait if we had just allowed nature to take it’s course we would not see terrorism today.

Arabs for the most part are taking revenge on western culture. New York City and their television conglomerate won’t say this but it’s the United State’s own fault for the World Trade. We looked for someone to blame named Osama Bin Laden but he was only the natural leader that wanted to get revenge for his people.

See we’re not a planet yet. It’s not smooth and it’s because of Jesus and books and mostly followers getting upset when someone greater than their leader shows up. It’s cultural war. It’s a myriad of abstract thoughts that all have nothing to do with anything. It’s a fight over a bunch of nothings and whenever has the politically correct idea been with the majority?

We have a constituency of political leaders that grew up during the Woodstock era and their generation did more drugs than their children did. They smoked more pot and had more sex than our generation could ever imagine doing. They used to live in Fuck Houses where the whole point was to have as much sex as possible. They were a generation of sex communes and now they are in leadership and they wanted it to be fair they saw a white house built for Europeans and they wondered why there was never a black man president. It was a European tradition but some liberals wanted to know just why and get this it’s an arbitrary leadership position. It’s a chair in a house and a black man wanted to sit there because it’s said it’s the most powerful arbitrary thing on the planet. Just like Kofi Anon they told him that chair at the United Nations was the most powerful so he wanted it. European men set up traditions and then women and black men get involved and want to take over the work the Europeans did but they never do anything with it because they don’t know how to.

This was a generation that wanted to change tradition and they did so in every way and disrupted European sovereignty in the land european’s built with their culture. If you are an African and you say you helped you did at the employee level and this is a dispute over who get’s to tell who to do but the Africans have issue with they don’t know how to tell a European to travel to the moon so we will just keep on being the superior race while we plant our settlements on the new land we found in space while you keep figuring out how to behave civilized with our English language that you have found favor with.

Early America was a very peaceful place when the indian’s were not being killed. European’s just wanted this land the early one’s did. They wanted their own kingdom to rule. There were some people here and they were annihilated. Like now they run casino’s. So there.

Like America is a nation of war. We are a nation of death. If you don’t feel hatred there isn’t much else to explain. Where is there love in the US? Fox? MSNBC? The news that covers people’s lives and ruins so many?

Where is the love in the United States? This writing may seem strange to some but it may seem strange to most but this is what someone observed?

Why did I observe this? Why is this being written? Why is this holy scripture coming to light? Why is it literally coming to LIGHT? Fire HD and the iPad?