Teaching a Computer to Read …

George was just standing there smiling in the doorway to his son’s bedroom. The door was slightly closed and he was just checking up on Stephen. George was just surprised is all because apparently Stephen had a copy of the house’s dictionary in his lap. In front of Stephen was his first computer. Stephen was in the act of teaching his computer English. Stephen had a copy of a Webster’s Dictionary and for a reason that George could not understand Stephen was typing each word from the dictionary into the word processor meticulously one after the other. Now George was just watching. George stood there for a full fifteen minutes just to make certain that what he was watching as he thought for certain that his son was engaged in teaching himself to type and was trying to learn new vocabulary words.

George then knocks on the door.

Stephen looks over and says for George to come in. His dad.

George walks over some toys and into Stephen’s room and asks a question that he truly knows he knows the answer to as what else could Stephen be doing other than learning how to type as he chose words from the dictionary to type into Microsoft Word.

So George politely asks.

“Stephen, what are you doing?” asked George.

Stephen replies quite seriously.

“Dad, I am teaching my computer.” said Stephen.

“What are you teaching it?” replied George.

“I am teaching it how to read.” said Stephen.

“Don’t you think your computer already knows how to read?” said George.

“How could it, no one has ever taken the time to teach it.” said Stephen.

“How long have you been doing this?” said George.

“All afternoon.” said Stephen.

“How are you teaching your computer to read?” asked George.

“I am picking out the really hard words that the computer does not know from the dictionary and I am typing them so that when it has to pass its next test it will get an A+.” replied Stephen.

“Steven, maybe I should tell you, I mean, well, how many words have you taught the computer so far?” asked George.

“About forty six.” replied Stephen.

“How do you know the computer is learning?” replied Stephen.

“Well when I used spell check the computer let me know that it did not know all of the words. I want my computer to know all of the words. I want a smart computer so it can pass it’s next test.” said Stephen.

“How did the computer do on it’s last test?” asked George.

“It failed.” said Stephen.

“Who was the teacher that gave the test?” said George.

“Lynda.” said Stephen.

“Who is Lynda.” asked George.

“Lynda is my computer’s teacher.” said Stephen.

“Stephen, how many words are you going to teach your computer?” asked George.

“I am going to teach it all of the hard words and then it should be fine on it’s next test.” said Stephen.

“Do you want some help, I think I know a quick way of teaching it all of the hard words.” replied George.

“NO! There is no quick way to learn all of the hard words. I want my computer to get an A+ and you cannot get A+’s by cheating, this is the only way to do it.” said Stephen.

“That’s true , you are doing it the right way.” said George.

“Alright, well Dad. My computer wants to let you know that it wants to get back to studying.” said Stephen.

“Alright. Well I will leave you two alone. Just make sure to clean up for dinner.” said George.

“I will.” said Stephen.

George turns his back to walk away.

“Dad, did you know the computer already knows all of the words?” said Stephen.

“Yes Stephen. I knew that.” said George.

“Well, it might not know one of em.” said Stephen.

“Well if there is a word that that computer does not know, its probably in the dictionary. There are so many words in the dictionary Stephen that I am certain it does not know a few of em.” said George.

“Well, if I can help it learn one word, it will be smarter than the rest of the class won’t it?” said Stephen.

“Yes Stephen, if you can teach the computer just one word it does not already know, it will be smarter than the rest of the computers.” said George.

“Alright, Dad, I have to get back to work. The computer is really good at spelling.” said Stephen.

“It usually is.” said George.

“Well, I am doing a good job aren’t I.” said Stephen.

“Yes you are, I am certain the computer appreciates someone teaching it new words.” said George.

“I hope so.” said Stephen.

“Alright, well I am going to go back downstairs. Let me know how your student does on the test.” said George.

“Its going to get an A+.” said Stephen.

“Yes it will Stephen, yes it will.” said George.

“Thanks Dad.” said Stephen.

“Anytime son.” said George.

With that George walked out of the room , kind of realizing that sometimes things are not quite as they seem on the surface, especially when it comes to kids using the computer.