Steven Downloads a Dream

Steven was sitting at his desk as he had done for several years. He had just received a strange email. It informed him that he had just won a very special lottery and that no further correspondence would be levied. He thought nothing of it. Then a man walked over to his cubicle and handed him an envelope. In that envelope was a piece of plastic that bore no number on it. It had a red crest and bore his name. The man that Steven had never seen before shook his hand and walked away. Steven put the card in his wallet.

He had no idea what he now had. He just knew that apparently it was special. His boss asked him who the man that gave him the card was. Steven simply said he really did not say anything and just gave him the card. His boss asked if he could see what was in the envelope and Steven quietly responded that he did not think it would be a good idea.

Steven finished out his work schedule and stood there waiting for the bus. As the bus approached Steven reached into his wallet and pulled out his bus card. He walked onto the bus and gave the bus card to the bus driver and was allowed to step onto the bus.

Steven sat down and opened up the window. He felt the breeze that was generated by the moving bus moving through his hair. He just enjoyed the way it felt. Steven had a feeling that he knew what the Card was but due to a significant lack of explanation that came with the Card he felt no real interest in possibly putting himself in any form of strange debt or possibly even encountering a situation where he could be placed in a predicament that would cause him to have to return some products to the shelf. He just had the Card in his wallet and now he was on the bus.

His stop came up and he quietly walked off the bus. He walked across the sidewalk and into his apartment complex and then went up the stairs and opened his door. He took the card out of his wallet and placed it in the special files drawer of his apartment. Steven told himself that when someone further explains the significance of this Card he would take it more seriously and maybe even consider using it.

Well Steven sat down at his computer and pulled up a web page known as Pandora. He began to listen to the Preston Reed station, a station that he was informed existed after having listend to the Kaki King for several rotations.

Steven laid down on his bed and placed his Dream Catcher on his temples. He then faded off into the ether of sleep calmly.

Steven was now standing in a forest. He looked up at a greenish sky that had about fourteen large stars glowing up above him. He felt himself pressing his energy against the ground below him and through sheer understanding of what he was experiencing he propelled himself up into the heavens with nothing but a quiet thought. He was at his Constellation Point and in that Constellation Point he was actively doing more than floating, he was careening into the ether that was above him. He felt himself holding his breath that had no purpose in this realm that he was now comfortable with. He was used to this style of dreaming and he never once felt any way about purchasing a Dream Catcher.

Steven found himself wishing in his dream to cool off , so he did some imagining and flew up and through a small lake that he needed to pass through. He could feel the water flowing over his skin and through the process he felt refreshed.

He kept going higher and higher and in the process he was beginning to notice that the Suns that were floating in the sky were calmly beginning to morph into shapes like cubes and cones and toruses. He took a moment to relax and pull back. In this dream he felt calm. He was crafting his reality in front of him and just staring at his new play things. The stars that were above him. He coalesced his thoughts into a concept that was like the face of his long lost girlfriend that he met a long time ago. He was thinking to himself that upon seeing her face lit up by the stars he would have a moment that is really not possible. So he just sat there and then began to allow the face to morph into all of the faces of everyone that ever influenced his life.

He was staring at something like a Mount Rushmore made of light and in that light he was growing more comfortable. He decided that it was okay to turn around at this point and in that … he realized something. He had that card in his pocket that someone had given him. He pulled it out and the card was apparently made out of light at this point and in that card he saw something. He saw that something happened in his dream that he never noticed before. It was slightly more real. The card floated out of his hand and in front of him where it began to become a screen that was apparently embedded with a message.

A face appeared. This face was soft. This face was neither male nor female in appearance. It was simply a face. This face was the kind of face that allowed for one to just experience calmness. The face was explaining something to Steven. He was allowed to dream now. The restrictions that he never knew existed had been taken off of his account and that he could begin the process of selling his dreams to others. He was being allowed to understand that he was now a Dream Catcher Partner because he was adept at following the rules of the Dream.

Steven felt an emotion he had never felt before course through his body. He was quite certain it was a derivative of Love, an emotion he had only ever experienced briefly a couple of years ago. Love was such a dangerous emotion to Steven. In a way he wished he had never happened upon it.

So in this new found knowledge Steven had a thought, and that thought led the glowing orbs of shine in the sky above him to reverse in their color and then the sky that they were once object in became that which glowed.

Steven thought to himself. That’s new.

Well Steven , remembered in his youth being fascinated with the work of Berkley in California. He had called them several times to keep up personally on the progress of how the groundwork was being laid for their commercial product. He was actually excited by the possibility of being able to watch his Dreams in full HD Resolution in his waking state. He thought that of all that would be new, he would be interested in such a thing.

Well Steven, had a thought that he never had occur to him before. So he thought a thought that was never available to him before. He lightly concentrated on a new option. A small rectangle came up. He felt himself stopping the sequence of his dream. He reached his hand out and touched on the Oil button.

His next inclination was to engage in wiping his hand across what was ostensibly the ground below him. He could feel the colors morphing through his fingertips. He spun in a circle with his hands extended and in that spinning of the circle he saw something actually new happen. He saw the traces of color extending out from his hand.

Then he allowed himself to do something else that was new. He stepped out of himself and pulled all that he was in the center of down and into a point of focus. He placed that point of focus on his fingertip and rested.

He could see the fullness of this reality being pulled into a point and he just apparently went into camera mode and he held up his new hands in front of him with the right hand thumb down resting on his other hand that was thumb up and he pulled his now hands into his face and he captured a still.

He then thought to himself that this still was now available in a cloud somewhere that he could view at some point after this moment has passed.

Steven … was interested in this definitely new experience. He was used to running into certain walls in his imagination using the Dream Catcher Software and but now … he noticed that those limitations were in a state of disappearance. He was captivated by what he now saw.

In this reality … he felt like he wanted to experience a memory that he had a long time ago. He could feel the ability to fold back into his life and he was now resting in a movie theatre. He could understand his life with so much more etherealness at this moment. It was interesting to him to see his life pass before him in a resolution that he never had before.

He saw other people sitting in this theatre with him. He could feel an overarching emotion that was coarsing through the moment that was slightly unpleasant. He was watching his life turned into a music video that was playing sounds he had never heard before.

Steven, felt small.

He then found himself behind the counter of a pop corn bar where he was serving popcorn with an old friend from a place he never knew he would ever remember. The man he was serving pop corn with got up and walked over to the landing of the theatre and began performing a stand up comedy routine. Steven smiled.

He then found himself sitting on the front porch of his boyhood home … staring at something he never saw before. He focused for a brief moment and saw Dominic on the front porch planting two trees. He just watched as the trees grew and how Dominic was waving at for him to come over to the front porch.

Steven did and in doing so, he saw Dominic’s White Tank Top all over again. He saw Phyllis and Mr. Gehring and he was in a state of pure reminisce and then he saw as the tree was growing he saw the people watching the trees grow with him

Dominic let him know, that its rare that someone would live somewhere so long that they would notice the trees growing.

Steven was now sitting in a design classroom and he was having explained to him the new rules for this new Dream Catcher realm and Steven was just absorbing.

Then Steven woke up.

He looked over to his side and found himself a small circular disc that had never existed before.

He placed the disc in his Dell Computer, that was attached to a monitor that was now the ceiling of his apartment. He was awake now. Loving his new ceiling mounted HD monitor that had been crafted using polymers that he knew nothing about.

He walked over to his special files drawer and pulled out the card. It was hard plastic. He bent it and it would not break. He placed it back in his drawer and closed the drawer.

He had truly won a lottery that no one had even told him he had entered.