American History

Dear W. W. Norton and Company,

It’s sort of important who I am but really only to me. For your archives. I’m not seeking publication just participation in history. I wrote something that an encyclopedia’s worth of response could be written in response to. I did the required step of submitting this piece to a contest and it did not place. I have written a piece of American History.

I am submitting for Historical Records in American History a work.

I have no federal copyright for this work as of yet.

That is forthcoming with finance.

As a work of history circa America 2015 I submit :

Title: The Moment the Bible was Requisitioned


Nicholas Lawson

Title: The Moment the Bible was Requisitioned

“James, you requisitioned a book. How about this. We’ll take the wildly successful Torah and write a book that gets essentially attached to the end of it. Let’s extend an ancient holy text and start with a story about a man named Jesus that society hates so much they end his life and then feels love for after he survives their sincere attempt to end his life for flipping over the tables of the money changer’s temple. “Said the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“James, if you really want a book that is going to sell, write a book and couple it with a book that has a history of successfully selling. I got this Torah right here, I can rewrite that in English. Then to produce Kingly Riches for you James, I can attach this other book entitled the New Testament to the Torah that we will rechristen the Old Testament. So now we have a Bible that is comprised of the Old Testament and the New Testament. All of these families desire the Old Testament, they also want new writing so sell them the Old Testament with this New Testament coupled with it out of your production studio.” continued the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“Riches never ending.” said the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“I don’t know how interested I am in never ending warfare because if I was this would lead to that.” said James.

“Here is what never ending warfare will do for you. You asked for my services. I will deliver you this. Not only am I producing a book for you that you summoned me to produce, I am in the process of producing an entire business model for you. The book is the product here. It’s the way I am going about producing this product for you. You are going to be involved in rewriting history. There are elements of this history that your population are going to be made aware of. There is this element named Constantine that is going to be written into the education system that you oversee.” said the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“We are rewriting history?” said James.

“Absolutely. We are in the process of curating indecipherable scrolls that we are going to unveil in literally twenty years just to prove that this book that we are producing now is more ancient than it is. The older we can prove this story is, the more valuable it will seem to people. James, you don’t want people devoted to you. You want people devoted to an object. You want people fearful of you and devoted to an object. In being devoted to the object and fearful of you. You have the power you are looking for.” said the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“Why do I need this much power?” asked James.

“Because life is boring and you were born into a family that made a lot of the right decisions in life and studied architecture and educated itself for more than half a generation and because unlike ninety percent of these people you can read and since you know how to read and you know how to write you can understand at a very fundamental level that objects are created. People that cannot read lack the fundamental understanding that objects are created as I understand it or something I don’t know that is my best guess for what it would be like not to know how to read that the world would be filled with shapes and the shapes the world would be filled with would be indecipherable. Those people singing for money. They don’t know how to read so they sing rhymes because they cannot create more than sound.” said the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“I love to listen to the people sing.” said James.

“We rope them in too. Have you ever heard of a ‘choir’?” said the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“No. What is a 'choir’?” said James.

“You’ll love it. At the book opening when we finish the leather bound version of this book that sells for an entire estate. We are also selling this new concept where included in the price of that estate and the price of this leather bound book, we round up all and I do mean all of the singers in Kensington and we give them brand new sheet music to sing that coincides with the plight of the main character of the New Testament Jesus AND we contract them to do it every day and we call that style Catholic.” said the Famous Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“There is going to be song sung about this book every day?” said James.

“Yes. No one else is doing it.” Said the Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“What will the 'choir’ be called?” said James.

“The Choir of Angels.” said the Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“What’s an 'Angel’?” said James.

“A Homeless Destitute Pauper that can really only make sound with its mouth is an 'Angel'… for now … unless you requisition this project. We are saving the homeless. It’s going to be the Hark that Heralds Herald. You can have your own version. It will be called the King James Version and it will be the first version of something that will be an entire industry that started in ancient times. We live in Ancient Times in this industry James. That is how famous you are as King and without the war, without the loss of life of the atheists, your Kingship just won’t be remembered in the blood it could be.” said the Hollywood Book Producer of the Middle Ages.

“How long will they speak my name?” said James.