Nicholas Lawson

7605 Werner Avenue #10
Mount Healthy, OH 45231-3157
Tel: 1 513 521 2239

I love the idea of stability. I have an English Literature degree from the University of Cincinnati. My father is a professor at Uc. I have no student debt. I love the idea of working for such a vested company. I am interested in working somewhere stable that has a good sense of itself. I have a regular writing habit and have a writing ability qualitative enough that I have received grants for it. I have communicated grant needs and received grant needs and will be applying for and receiving grant money for my upcoming art projects and installations.

I valued my English Literature Education more than my peers where people questioned 19th Century Poetry classes and the need for it I provided insight that you are listening to professionals that know what they are talking about and can learn the difference between a fraud and a professional by listening to an expert in 19th Century Poetry. I spent a solid 10 years not taking notes in my classes simply listening to professors, reading the prescribed readings and taking tests. I did just fine.

Early in my career as a design student I worked with my hands at DAAP at the University of Cincinnati and learned detail oriented skills like Photoshop and Illustrator on the Adobe Creative Cloud Application. I have finished many projects and know how to plan and art direct a work.

I have done ghost writing and web design for clients in Cincinnati, Ohio and have received great reviews for my work and have gone so far as to volunteer in order to receive the experience something many people sloff off doing in exchange for not being able to find any experience with which to build a skill set with.

I have a love for typography and can speak on the different visual effects of Sans Serif type and Serif Type. I have a love of Typography and a language with which I can speak on typography with coupled with English Literature and Fine Arts Skills.

I have drawn life like renderings of skulls and hands before but have since waned in my ability to render with a pencil. My best class in school creatively was Photography and I worked in a photography lab and rendered photographs with the old school style of photography rendering with chemicals and light boxes.

I would love to work for your company and learn copywriting first hand. I know emotional words, I know flat words. I know that letters and the combinations you put them in can elicit anger or excitement, confusion or understanding, happiness or sadness. I can know the difference between I HATE YOU and I LOVE YOU and everything in between. I Wish You Were Further Away From Me is different than I Wish You Were Closer to Me.

At you will see a magazine article I wrote for my publication Vitae Magazine that letters are like music notes and after roughly 10,000 hours of spending time with these words from the Book of Genesis to onWriting by Stephen King from Rule of Typographyic Style to 3Dimensional Typography I can bring with me a robust skill set. I believe that ceremoniously I could render pieces with flat type faces and I am also aware of how to render copy in a 3D Modeling Program to bring about 3Dimensional Typographic works for specific daring clients.

I find that type and copy writing are beautiful ways of expressing oneself. If I had one way to express myself in life it would be with the typographic form. i find myself in my writing at that my work in type is done to elicit response and if my type face work cannot elicit response it is too flat.

I understand glow and how to choose words that stand off the page with type. I can also understand iteration and will not be of the mind set to provide you with only once choice of copy as I am of a mind to provide choices in type.

This position calls for a Bachelor's in English and I have one in English Literature with Journalism for a year and I worked for the Student News Paper and covered assignments for them and was published. I have been published for my copy in Thought Catalog and Alt Ohio. I have been covered in stories for work I have done by City Beat. I have written about topics and been a topic of having been written of.

I spend nights when there is a scene available at open mic's performing for audiencing honing my ability to understand the power of words.

I am trying to make a good impression here because the fact that you have such success as a company makes me want to work for you. I have been and am applying for copy positions in the city of Cincinnati and I have done everything in this city from playing for the basketball team at the local high school to going to Germany with fellow students as an Exchange student.

My family hosted exchange students several times for several years and I engaged in international living when I lived in London, England for a solid year. I bring with me sufficient international experience for someone my age and have lived a jet set life for times in my life going on tours performing poetry with my award winning peers.

I have shared the stage with CEA award winning poets in Cincinnati and HBO Def Poets in Cincinnati, OH. I have worked with the leading thought provocateurs in Cincinnati, OH and I have built my own life away from work. I am a thoughtful individual that has charming characteristics.

My resume is a my professional resume it does not speak of the dozen jobs I have held in the non white collar sector. I have been self taught before and have taken MOOC courses and taught myself HTML and CSS and think that while web design is beautiful to know how to do I think that most people ask for too much gloss in their website and not enough content heft. I build successful unconventional websites in that when I build a website immediately I get picked up in search engines because I utilize sound SEO practices I learned while using the Yoast Plugin For Wordpress, honestly, it taught me everything I needed to know about SEO, and the difference is that my websites bring in initially with no marketing just search organic back linking on Reddit 500 visitors a month with roughly on average 12 minute visitor times as I write copy that people read.

I would recommend for websites in the future to think of websites in terms of the yardage of how long a website is not how many pages deep a website is. There is a Jquery Website that will provide beautiful navigation to a multiple yards' long website and again this is just something that I am into I don't know how staunch industry set people would think of my website ideas but I know that creative website styles i have done have been done for major celebrities like Beyonc'e Knowles who currently uses a style for her website that i have used before and Kanye West when he just has a video file on his website.

High Style people that make their living in Style and Fashion have used styles that I independently thought were just fine web sites. I remember picking apart a template and then learning how to do things like get to the point where I had an HREF tag memorized. Unlike many people that take on web design practices and have to keep googling their work load to finish a project for the most part I have my work flow memorized and can code with CSS and HTML without looking anything up which I find a balanced way of looking at things as I for the most part do not, to be honest, see the need for javascript or accounts or most of what the internet has grown into.

I am a fan of the idea of a web page with static content. It's just my stance after much time browsing through work and noticing that the hand coded static pages always struck me as most beautiful. I am not against dynamic web pages I just find that they lack the human refinement in the presentation of content.

I would enjoy being a copy writer very much so. I would take to the job with earnestness and I would iterate. I can type at a certain level of Words Per Minute and I understand abstract problem solving and I understand the abstract and have a sense of healthy critique where you may find me standing up for my work if i truly believe in it. I do not believe in being a push over unless I feel the need to be pushed over.

You will find a backbone in me. I would like to earn enough money to buy a car first and work towards buying a house in time. I would like to live in Cincinnati, Oh for the rest of my life. I have family here and I know the difference between Price Hill and Hyde Park and Walnut HIlls and Sycamore. I have celebrity friends in Cincinnati, Ohio in the African American and European American Communities.

I would like to get back to performing in my free time and building and I would like to study Kinetic Typography with a robust took kit. I need a Mac Computer to study Kinetic Typography with which is to my knowledge the current cutting edge of Copy Writing and Type Work where you take After Effects from Adobe Creative Cloud and you use Type + Motion to tell a story and bring about emotional response in a pop manner similar to a music video. It is currently a standard design exercise.

I am detail oriented but I am also expedient for my work. I find the typos's 98% of the time and I think I am good at it. I work with my Word Processor and have a quick pinky finger on the delete key. I type without looking at the keys and I utilize HOME KEY typing and the majority of my professional resume has yet to be fleshed out because I am currently seeking full time employment and ideally I would not like to hop around from job to job.

I am not seeking a platform to build up my career with I am seeking a family to grow with an become excited with every client success story we put together .I expect to be treated like a professional. I expect to be listened to and my brother Adam Lawson that works for GE has a story that I disdain to know about and I tried to explain this to him .My brother has 0% design experience and he works with a professional designer and the designer brings him the work and he makes numerous changes with no care or desire to listen to his professional designer. I find that abhorrent and contemporary in practice.

If we work together I expect to be treated like an expert and worked with and I will take orders but if I do not experience a collaborative environment, if I am belittled and not treated with respect and listened to I will leave. This is less about money for me and more about finding that place to work where my experience has value.

if you value me, you will find value, if you do not value me, you will find me leaving.

I don't think that should be a problem though. I present myself professionally.

I believe you will find emotion and something different in this email especially my portfolio where my final thesis pieces of my life are found again at and where you will find historic work in style of history and you will find that I can be verbose but if you want me to be curt I can be curt to.

We can work together
We can
I can let you know at length
Or like this

I believe that is the long of it and the short of it.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy the poem.


Nicholas Lawson